Can Food Mold Cause Mold Growth within Your Home?

Don’t Let Food Mold Infest Your Home

Food mold is easy to recognize. It’s the fungus that grows on stale, rotten food that can either look like black mush or white fuzz. Foods such as produce and bread are most commonly affected by mold. While you may think that throwing out the moldy food takes care of the problem, the food mold does not simply disappear when it’s put in the trash.

From the moldy food forgotten in the back of the fridge to the food particles left in the sink, food mold is capable of spreading throughout your home. Although the moldy food in your kitchen may not be the cause of black mold growth in your basement, there are some types of food mold that can cause similar health problems.

Moldy food can spread mold to other parts of your homeFood Mold Spores Are Airborne and Spread Rapidly Just Like Regular Mold

Mold spores are released into the air and attach themselves onto surfaces that are in a dark, wet environment. As you may have noticed on certain foods in your fridge, there are certain kinds of mold that is also capable of growing in colder temperatures. While the mold that is growing on the food in your fridge may seem contained, the surrounding foods can also become exposed to mold spores. Once spores latch themselves onto a surface, mold begins to grow and reproduce rapidly.

Food mold does not just affect other foods but certain types of mold that grows on food can also grow inside your air vents, further spreading the mold throughout your living space. The more mold your home is exposed to, the more spores there are floating around your home. This is why it is important to properly remove moldy food from your home to prevent it from contaminating the air quality in your home.

Mold on Food Can Also Spread onto Surrounding Surfaces

If your home provides the proper environment for mold to grow then yes, food mold can eventually spread throughout your home. Once the mold has infected a food item, it is capable of spreading to other surfaces and objects within your pantry, fridge, or even your sink. When other objects are infested, it is only a matter of time before other parts of your home are exposed to mold.

To prevent further mold growth, clean your kitchen thoroughly after finding moldy food. Tossing out expired food is the easiest way to prevent food mold from infesting other food items in your kitchen. However, if you do find mold growing on your food, it’s important to promptly throw away the moldy food in the outside trash can and properly clean the area where your food was stored.

When to Call CLEAR RestorationFood mold can spread to other areas in your kitchen

Although finding moldy bread in the pantry does not mean that your entire home is now infested with mold, it is important to look out for signs of further mold growth around the kitchen. If you find mold growing along your floors, walls, or ceiling, call CLEAR Restoration immediately to properly remove the mold from your home.

CLEAR Restoration can also test the humidity levels in your home to see if your home is the ideal breeding ground for mold growth. For prevention or mold removal, call CLEAR Restoration today.

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